Your pet could be vomiting for a number of reasons. They may have ingested something that made them sick, which could be serious, or they may simply need to get something out of their system. Some questions to prepare to answer when you call to talk with a receptionist are:
- How many times has your pet vomited?
- How long has this been going on?
- Is there blood in the vomit?
- Have they consumed anything strange or unusual that you know of?
Your pet could have diarrhoea for a number of reasons. They may have ingested something that made them sick, which could be serious, or they may simply need to get something out of their system. Some questions to prepare to answer when you call to talk with a receptionist are:
- How many times has your pet had diarrhoea?
- How long has this been going on?
- Is there blood in the stool?
- Have they consumed anything strange or unusual that you know of?
While chocolate does contain toxins that can affect your pet, sometimes pets who ingest chocolate in small amounts are unaffected. We recommend that you call us to talk about the symptoms that you observe, if any.
Before speaking to the receptionist, have the brand and weight of chocolate at hand
Our pets are known for consuming things that are not meant for consumption, from socks and parts of their toys to bones and even more unusual items. We always recommend that you contact us immediately if your pet has consumed something inedible. An X-ray and Ultrasound is the only way to tell for sure whether the object is obstructing your pet’s digestive path.
If the stray animal (whether a pet or wildlife) is injured, we will treat them if necessary, then reach out to the right people for their continued care. If wildlife is not injured, do NOT retrieve it. Most of the time, it is there for a reason. We will direct you to the best place for their care.
We recommend calling us if you’re concerned about your pet’s breathing. This could be a sign of heatstroke, an injury, or consumption of a toxic substance. Consider whether your pet has recently eaten something unusual or whether they are overheated or dehydrated when you contact us.
When a pet is sick, a sign of illness may be lethargy. Because our pets often hide signs of weakness or illness for as long as possible, lethargy is a cause for concern. Please contact us to discuss your pet’s situation if your pet is refusing to get up or behaving in other strange ways.
Your pet may be limping because of an injury to a joint or even an external injury to one of their paw pads. Handle your pet carefully while examining them in search of the injury, but if they whine or flinch away from you, do not force the issue. We recommend that you call us to discuss the specifics of the case. Please mention if your pet has recently had an accident or if they were active immediately before the limping began.
If your pet’s face is swollen, he or she may have been stung by a bee or wasp. This could be serious as some pets have reactions to stings. We recommend that you contact us immediately to discuss emergency concerns and possible at home care methods.